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Can we have Anto with us :(((( It's sad to know that Mr. Devil doesn't have any RO

I love this game I am now wondering if anyone knows where I can find the main game if anyone knows where it is.

(1 edit)

it can be found on dashingdon. or you can go to the author's tumblr and find the link from there.


This is beautiful!! I really can't wait for the main story, every character is beautiful, keep it up!! <3


Hello! This is an cute and nice game XD I enjoyed playing it very much. Despite the hot season,I can feel the cold and the warmth from the story :)

Also, there's one thing...I didn't save while playing, so after finishing it I had to press the back button multiple times to return to the beginning XD and refreshing the page doesn't restart it either. Maybe you could add a restart link at the end? 0v0

PS: If this is a holiday special, you've got to have a original game or project somewhere else right 0_0 is it not on or simply isn't out yet?


hi!! Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it, even if you haven't played the game lmao. It's currently on dashingdon, though I am in the process of moving it to Twine/itch - check my tumblr for more info and a link to the choicescript demo!

I'll look into adding a restart button, for the moment you should be able to clear your cache/close the page and reopen it to start from the beginning, I think? Sorry for the inconvenience there.

Thanks again for playing! <3


This was absolutely adorable in every way. I could just feel the warmth coming out from the routes I've played so far. I am absolute pleading eye emoji for Shaw and Amari, so this was like a wonderful Christmas gift. Just lovingly rendered and so soft. And you have such a knack for both description as well the wealth of quiet emotion. I want to just quote pieces of these routes to you, but I don't want to spoil. But let me just say the bench moments with Amari/MC and Levi/MC, wow. WOW!

Thank you so very much for this!!


this is SUCH a lovely message to wake up to, I'm so glad you enjoyed it and thank you for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment! I hope you're having a good day and staying safe, thank you again💕


This was so cute! Thank you so much for this bit of holiday sweetness. Everyone is adorable, including Shaw because I'm hopelessly ass over kettle for him. I suck at ice skating, but I also love it, so this was extra delightful for me to read while snuggled in my warm bed. Thank you again~!


thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it - big same on the sucking at ice skating/loving to ice skate thing, I'm not saying this whole short is me projecting my very complicated feelings about that but. maybe.

anyway, thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, I hope you're having a great holiday and staying safe!💕